Get your closet clutter under control with these DIY closet organizer ideas! Create custom storage solutions for every closet in the house!

Every New Year's Eve, I vow to get our home more organized. Some years, it's my workshop that needs attention, and other times it's our disaster of a kitchen. In 2021, I'm determined to give our closets a makeover, so we can fit more stuff into these small spaces without things falling out!
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Why you should make your own closet organizer
Before I learned how to build stuff, I spent a FORTUNE on store-bought storage solutions from places like The Container Store. It helped get our closets organized, but at a ridiculously high cost. It's so much cheaper to make one yourself out of a few sheets of plywood, and you can customize it exactly the way you want it!
When we moved my son's bedroom up to the playroom, the closet was a complete disaster overflowing with toys! He doesn't use hangers for his clothes, so he really needed drawers and shelves. But a store-bought closet organizer would cost hundreds of dollars, and wouldn't work in this awkward, angled ceiling space.
Instead of building out an entire closet (that would also prevent access to our attic crawlspace), I built a system of shelves and sliding bins mounted on French cleats that can be easily changed or removed. The bin system works so much better for my son, because he can just pull them all out to sort his clean clothes!

Ready to get your own closet organized? Here are 20 DIY closet organizer ideas to get you started!
DIY Closet Organizers
Make the most of a small closet and use all the space by adding shelves to the side. These simple brackets are easy enough for a beginner to make!
Don't want to make a bunch of drawers for your closet? Try these wall mount bins instead! They pull all the way out to make organizing easier, and slide back into place on wooden rails.
This system is perfect for a kids closet or crafting station! Just imagine all the supplies you could fit into a closet full of bins!
This DIY closet organizer rests in the middle of the closet to create two separate hanging sections with a set of drawers in between. Learn how to build drawers in this tutorial!
Customize the unused space at the bottom of the closet with baskets and shelves with this plywood closet organizer!
Little ones need just as much closet space as us grown ups, you just need to set up differently. Shorter hanging spaces and lots of bins help to customize the space as your child grows.
These custom shelves can be easily removed when it's time to change the layout because they aren't attached to the wall. Each shelf stacks on top of the other, so you can adjust the heights to suit your needs.
These shoe trays are awesome! The pegboard bottoms allow dirt to fall to the ground, where it can easily be vacuumed up. And the pull out trays mean you don't have to dig through the closet to find a matching pair.
These easy DIY plywood shelves are all you need to get a linen closet organized. You should see the before pictures on this one!
Fabric bins are a great way to get a closet organized! These shelves were custom built to fit eight of them across the width of the closet, with more room above for smaller ones.
Can't find the perfect color or pattern for those cheap fabric bins? This tutorial shows you how to cover them with any fabric you want without sewing!
These simple shelves are a great way to get rid of the pile of shoes at the bottom of a closet.
Sort board games, cleaning supplies or anything else you need to store in a custom built closet organizer that takes advantage of every inch of space!
A walk-in closet gives you a ton of storage space, but only if you use it properly! Transform it into your dream closet with a little planning and a lot of building!
Adding shelves to cinderblock is a bit more challenging, but it can be done with the right tools and fasteners.
Do you have a ton of craft paint jars, and nowhere to store them? This amazing craft closet is for you! It features an entire wall of paint supplies in a compact space that allows you to see what you have at a glance.
Taking the doors off this closet made it the perfect space for this craft closet organizer.
If you're not the DIY type, a custom closet organization from a kit is a great way to get organized.
Stop battling for storage space and create a his and hers closet so you each have a spot for your stuff.
Buying all those baskets and bins can get expensive! Add a little style to boring cardboard boxes by adding rope.
Make your own custom organization using boxes and fabric.
Get shoes out of the way using a simple curtain rod! This is perfect for those awkward spots where shelves would get in the way.